Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Products

Evolis Avansia YMCK ribbon - RT4F010AAA - 500 prints

Evolis Avansia YMCK ribbon - RT4F010AAA - 500 prints
You can use Evolis YMCK ribbon for every single or double-sided colour printing. Evolis YMCK ribbons consist of Yellow (Y), Magenta (M), Cyan (C) and Black (K) panels for printing a combination of full colour images (Y,M,C) and one-color text or barcodes (K). The K panel is a black resin panel.
Our Price: $162.00 Retail Price: $180.00
Item #: RT4F010AAAFREE Shipping*

Evolis Avansia Clear Transfer Film - RTCL009NAA - 500 prints

Evolis Avansia Clear Transfer Film - RTCL009NAA - 500 prints
Evolis Clear Transfer Film is required for printing cards with Evolis Retransfer Printers. This ribbon is a continuous varnish with registration marks to line-up sheet materials for printing.
Our Price: $54.00 Retail Price: $60.00
Item #: RTCL009NAAFREE Shipping*

Evolis Avansia YMCKK ribbon - RT5F011AAA - 400 prints

Evolis Avansia YMCKK ribbon - RT5F011AAA - 400 prints
You can use Evolis YMCKK ribbon for every double-sided colour printing. Evolis YMCKK is composed by 5 panels Yellow (Y), Magenta (M), Cyan (C), Black (K) and Black (K).This ribbon is used for double-sided color printing with YMC and the first K panel printing on the front side, the second K panel prints on the back side of the card.
Our Price: $153.00 Retail Price: $170.00
Item #: RT5F011AAAFREE Shipping*

Evolis Agilia - Clear RT Film Retransfer - RTCL100NAAA - 1200 prints

Evolis Agilia - Clear RT Film Retransfer - RTCL100NAAA - 1200 prints
Evolis Agilia Clear Retransfer Film, 1200 prints/roll. With Retransfer (or Reverse Transfer) technology, the card image is printed onto the retransfer film. The clear film is then thermally transferred onto the card, covering the entire surface for a perfect edge-to-edge printing result.
Our Price: $117.00 Retail Price: $130.00
Item #: RTCL100NAAAFREE Shipping*

Evolis Agilia - YMCK-K RT Retransfer - RT5F102A100 - 600 prints

Evolis Agilia - YMCK-K RT Retransfer - RT5F102A100 - 600 prints
The Evolis High Trust YMCK-K ribbon, 600 prints/roll, is designed for Retransfer technology and must be used with Transfer Films. This ribbon comprises five panels: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black, and Black. Capable of printing with a 600 dpi resolution, the YMCK-K ribbon can print images, text, or micro-text in high definition.
Our Price: $240.00 Retail Price: $300.00
Item #: RT5F102A100FREE Shipping*

Evolis Agilia - YMCK RT Retransfer - RT4F101A100 - 600 prints

Evolis Agilia - YMCK RT Retransfer - RT4F101A100 - 600 prints
The Evolis High Trust YMCK ribbon, 600 prints/roll, is designed for Retransfer technology and must be used with Transfer Films. This ribbon comprises four panels: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, and Black. Capable of printing with a 600 dpi resolution, the YMCK ribbon can print images, text, or micro-text in high definition.
Our Price: $184.00 Retail Price: $230.00
Item #: RT4F101A100FREE Shipping*
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Products
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